Case Overview

For two years, a 26 year old female entrepreneur, struggled with chronic yeast infections, PMS and anxiety, and general gastrointestinal distress. After trying to manage her symptoms on her own and struggling to determine the root cause of her problems, she sought out Gritwell to help find answers.
Through Gritwell’s program, she was paired with a wellness coach who did a deep dive into her history. They discovered she had an extensive exposure to indoor mold starting in high school, again in college, as well as in the last 8 months. She also described breaking out in hives with mold contact, indicating she was most likely mold sensitive. Digging deeper, her coach found she had three traumatic brain injuries as a child. Such injuries meant she was at high risk for being vulnerable to toxins. With her high risk status for toxin vulnerability and her continual mold exposure we determined that mycotoxin was the most likely cause for her conditions.
Mycotoxins, like she was exposed to, can lead to extensive gut dysfunction and immune system down regulation which allows biofilm creation in the gut and sinuses that are particularly difficult to eliminate with traditional medical treatment. These biofilms in particular can contribute to recurrent and systemic candida infections like the ones she experienced. These infections and the general immune response also interact with the hormonal axis, causing disruptions that lead to hormonal imbalances and mood swings.  
Treatment Plan
Since mold was identified as the root cause for her problems, a detox of 7 months was suggested. her personalized wellness plan focused on eliminating all possible symptom triggers by reducing inflammatory and mold related foods. She was switched to a low FODMAP diet, and also advised to exclude all grains, cheese, alcohol, and packaged food. Additionally, a regimen of very targeted supplements to help rebalance the gut, detox mycotoxin/mold, kill candida, and support die-off reactions was implemented. 

      Her supplement plan was tailored to her particular symptoms and needs to detox from mold. The supplements prescribed for her long term mold exposure and inflammatory state included:
Supplement Target
Ortho-Biotic Rebuilding healthy gut microbes and support the immune system
Methyl B Complex Detoxification and mood
Interfase Plus / Biofilm Phase 2 Biofilm disruptor
GI Detox Mycotoxin and bacteria toxin binder
Biocidin Heal gut dysbiosis
Hevert Lymph detox drops Support drainage of toxins
Jolene Brighten Balance and Adrenal support Hormonal balance
Vitamin D3 & K2 Correct deficiency
Zinc Immune support
Iodine Sooth stomach
Fish Oil Immune support and anti-inflammatory
Mirica Stabilize mast cells / calm overactive immune response
Her weekly yeast infections was one of the major issues destroying her daily quality of life. Previous doctors had suggested antifungals, but through Gritwell’s program, she was able to avoid continual use of diflucan and nystatin to treat her yeast infections. Continuous use of antifungals can create a cycle of dependency, as they kill both healthy and unhealthy vaginala flora. Instead, her plan was tailored to resolve her issues with candida overgrowth and hormonal imbalances through a personalized diet and prescribed supplements that rebalanced her internal flora and her estrogens. 
Upon completion of a 7-month program she showed an 81% reduction in severity and frequency of her reported symptoms. Her yeast infections were completely eliminated along with 28 other problems including her mood swings and bloating/digestive distress. Her mold detox was a success, with her digestive symptoms improving 96% and her mood, anxiety, and PMS improving by 82%. She was able to return to the active lifestyle she thought was lost two years ago and continues to maintain the diet and supplement plan designed by Gritwell to optimize her health and wellness.