Through Gritwell’s program, she was paired with a wellness coach who did a deep dive into her history. They discovered she had an extensive exposure to indoor mold starting in high school, again in college, as well as in the last 8 months. She also described breaking out in hives with mold contact, indicating she was most likely mold sensitive. Digging deeper, her coach found she had three traumatic brain injuries as a child. Such injuries meant she was at high risk for being vulnerable to toxins. With her high risk status for toxin vulnerability and her continual mold exposure we determined that mycotoxin was the most likely cause for her conditions.
Mycotoxins, like she was exposed to, can lead to extensive gut dysfunction and immune system down regulation which allows biofilm creation in the gut and sinuses that are particularly difficult to eliminate with traditional medical treatment. These biofilms in particular can contribute to recurrent and systemic candida infections like the ones she experienced. These infections and the general immune response also interact with the hormonal axis, causing disruptions that lead to hormonal imbalances and mood swings.