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We recommend top quality medical-grade supplements that your body can easily absorb. We’re also not talking about giving you vitamins and calling it a day. These supplement protocols are advanced. Here’s a sneak peak of what our supplement protocols aim to achieve:
Tired of your test results coming back “normal”? Conventional doctors covered under insurance don’t have access to the specialty tests we recommend:
Receive personalized nutrition for your unique body type and health goals:
Tired of quick fixes that don’t stick? Your health coach will help you keep accountable so new habits stick and shift your health long-term.
Most programs don’t hold your hand through the process, but we believe it’s crucial to take you through several phases of a methodical treatment - i.e. Phase 1: Detoxification, Phase 2: Gut Healing, Phase 3: Hormone Balancing.
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Verified User
Fatigue, Hashimoto's, Brain Fog, Nausea, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain
Care Program
I don't have any symptoms that I initially had - 100% improved I've improved 100% in fatigue, lack of appetite, muscle/joint pain, and digestive issues. I don't have any symptoms that I initially had when we first talked. So, yeah, so that's been great. It's taught me how to eat better and realize that, you know, my first inclination shouldn't be to run to the drugstore to get something to really mask my symptoms - it should be to figure out what is really CAUSING those symptoms and address that. I feel like if I had something else that I need to work on, I could always reach out to you and, you know, either start over or start something new, or that y'all would be here to help me. I am just completely healed, so there is nothing else to work on!
Oct 31, 2024
Verified User
Hives, Loss of coordination, Muscle Pain, Joint Pain, Headaches
Care Program
I was transitioning off of hormonal birth control and had amazing guidance throughout that process. I feel like my skin and moods adjusted seamlessly. Truly felt that my care provider cared about me as an actual person - SO different from all doctors.
July 11, 2024
Verified User
IBS, Endometriosis, Hidradenis Supprativa, Bloating or gas, Acne, Weight gain
Root Cause Assessment
I learned about the potential connection between gut and hormonal imbalance. My provider was so thorough and detailed with explaining things. She reviewed in-depth my labs, including the concerns for my inflammation and suboptimal A1C. She really helped to explain the value in digging report with these results. Overall this was much more thorough. I thought the questions were laid out nicely, asked clearly and covered a lot. I was surprised there wasn’t more related to mental health (only saying that as I know this can be a large part of one’s health). I’ve seen it in some other assessments, but probably never enough. Maybe more about current stress, past trauma (within reason). Otherwise, it was awesome and I felt like it was really looking at the whole picture of the patient. My provider was fabulous! She took the time to explain my resent labs and the importance behind them. Literally never had another provider go so in-depth and have such a great way of delivering her information. You can tell how much she cares, which made me feel connected to the program.
April 29, 2024
Verified User
Pre-diabetes or diabetes, Asthma, Hypothyroidism, Lightheaded, Brain Fog, Constipation, Weight gain
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that my liver needs to detox first in order to reach my health goals. That my low sugar and high insulin are most likely the cause for many symptoms and that they can be turned around. Before Gritwell, I never had a test for inflammation. I had never been given other options other than another prescription. Knowing I can fix it is extremely encouraging. I also learned that medicine/ pills isn't the only answer and that supplements can assist me. Once I get my liver functioning better I can start on my other symptoms.
April 26, 2024
Verified User
Hashimoto's, Inflammation
Root Cause Assessment
I learned about Inflammation and estrogen dominance and how that impacts my symptoms. This experience was different because it looks beyond the basic ranges of regular medicine. I really appreciated that everything was personalized and specific to me.
April 1, 2024
Verified User
Hashimoto's, IBS, Arthritis, Gastritis, Hypothyroidism, Depression, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Palpitations, Hair loss, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Constipation, Mood swings, Weight gain, Headaches, Anxiety, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, Hot flashes
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that my body is in fight or flight for so long and it has triggered inflammation and one thing has led to another. I appreciated that different labs were taken and I was given explanation of how they play a part in telling what's going on in the body by looking at all of that plus the data history I completed. I found it valuable when results were discussed due to how she explained what they each were and where in my system things were off. How it was all linked together but starting with gut and liver detox would be beneficial.
Mar 21, 2024
Verified User
GERD, Bloating or gas, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Hair loss, Acid reflux, Constipation, Weight gain, Insomnia, Anxiety, Hot flashes
Root Cause Assessment
It was eye-opening to consider my health from a preventative perspective. While many of the labs were "normal," I was clearly starting to brew in bad places like diabetes! I appreciated that it is far more preventative and far more focused on lifestyle changes and full body connection! My provider was very knowledgable but also honest about some ways that we could work to make things better into the future! Excited to get myself to a good place!
Mar 19, 2024
Verified User
Bloating or gas, Painful or irregular periods, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Palpitations, Hair loss, Constipation, Weight loss, Joint Pain
Root Cause Assessment
I learned so much from my Root Cause Assessment. I learned that my vitamin D levels were low and vitamin D is actually a hormone, and not a vitamin. That was interesting because it can effect a lot of things. I also learned that I had some GI imbalances as well. My provider was great and explained that with some of the imbalances that I had, I may have leaky gut, or even an autoimmune disease. She further explained that we could heal it, or prevent one from arising. Overall, I learned so much from just the assessment. I have never felt SO comfortable sharing my symptoms with someone. I did not feel rushed or dismissed. My provider was amazing and asked me so many questions. Every person I have encountered with Gritwell is incredibly compassionate. Every person genuinely cares. Everything was so valuable! Just learning about each imbalance, and then truly making the connection to my life was really nice to see. Overall, I took in so much from my provider!
Feb 16, 2024
Verified User
Bloating or gas, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Nausea, Diarrhea, Constipation, Anxiety, Headaches, Panic Attacks
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that i need a GI MAP it was more in depth and i was able to talk about the results in depth with someone more open minded. it was valuable because my provider was knowledgeable and gave me tangible steps but also made some of the more troubling issues make sense and that there was easy steps to help change how i was feeling
Feb 3, 2024
Verified User
Arthritis, Pre-diabetes or diabetes, Asthma, Depression, GERD, metastatic thyroid cancer in the lungs, Acid reflux, Heartburn, Sore throat, Joint Pain, Ringing in the ears, Chronic coughing, Fatigue
Root Cause Assessment
I learned I have inflammation problems that seems to be my biggest problem. It seems to have drawn out better results in my testing. It is making me rethink the tests that my doctors have done. I got my labs done at the same testing site I get all of my labs, so I know the labwork is not only legitimate, but accurate. I found that going over the results gave me some more insight into my body and is making me rethink some of the medical treatments and medications I have been taking.
Jan 31, 2024
Verified User
IBS, Pre-diabetes or diabetes, Bloating or gas, Fatigue, Palpitations, Diarrhea, Mood swings, Anxiety, Headaches, Abdominal pain, Dizziness, Urgent urination
Root Cause Assessment
Through GRITWELL I learned through the labs they ran that I had inflammation that was driving my symptoms. They ran test that checked for inflammation and gut issues which my dr did not. I learned a lot of valuable information about how to improve my health and inflammation, reducing stress and certain supplements helped greatly
Jan 18, 2024
Verified User
Fibromyalgia, IBS, Arthritis, Depression, Colitis, Bloating or gas, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Nausea, Heartburn, Constipation, Night waking, Cold or canker sores, Anxiety, Abdominal pain, Muscle Pain, Joint Pain, Dizziness, Panic Attacks
Root Cause Assessment
I learned from the Assessment that I may have some toxicity issues. This is the first test that I've ever done that really goes into detail about my experiences and health issues starting from birth, and this is the first provider I've ever had that goes over test results line for line.
Jan 12, 2024
Verified User
Pre-diabetes or diabetes, Tinnitus, Hair loss, Weight gain, Night waking, Anxiety, Ringing in the ears
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that iflammation is the probable cause of my symptoms. I appreciated the thorough explaining of what was tested and what it means. My provider was very thorough and made sure I understood everything.
Jan 26, 2024
Verified User
Hashimoto's, IBS, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Asthma, SIBO, Eczema, GERD, Bloating or gas, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Nausea, Acid reflux, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Constipation, Nasal stuffiness, Sneezing attacks, Night waking, Mood swings, Weight gain, Insomnia, Anxiety, Recurrent UTIs/BV, Abdominal pain, Joint Pain, Panic Attacks, Hot flashes
Root Cause Assessment
I’ve learned that most of my problems have come from poor gut health and nutrient deficiencies. This test has shown me a wide array of different things going on in my body that I was not aware of. I learned a lot from this experience and meeting with a provider. I am looking forward to healing
Jan 14, 2024
Verified User
Arthritis, Asthma, Nasal stuffiness, Joint Pain, Insomnia, Breathing issues
Root Cause Assessment
The assessments showed several imbalances and seeing them line up with possible root causes was eye-opening. I feel like I can better understand certain aspects of my health issues and have something to move toward to help heal my body. No other doctors every did any testing except for allergy testing and bloodwork once - in my whole life - just pumped me full of meds. Talking to a doctor that listens and doesn't act like I am crazy for having odd symptoms or asking about a holistic medicine approach has been the best experience ever.
Jan 16, 2024
Verified User
Infertility, Endometriosis, Hypothyroidism, Fatigue, Acne, Anxiety, Dizziness
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that I need to work on blood sugar stability and compared to other experiences/tests I've had in healthcare it actually helped me get to the root cause. My provider was very informative. It was obvious what I needed to work on.
Jan 1, 2024
Verified User
Fibromyalgia, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that my cells are no longer accepting anything like vitamins, insulin, or the good things my body needs. It made me realize I must get to the root instead of covering my symptoms with bandaids. My provider was also very informative!
Dec 31, 2023
Verified User
PCOS, Eczema, Bloating or gas, Acne, Migraines
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that I have moderate adrenal dysfunction and and mild dysfunction in many areas like GI and hormones. My inflammation levels were actually quite low, so my symptoms are likely being driven by an inability to properly detox. Hopefully if we're able to clear up my detox pathways, I should start to see relief in my symptoms.I learned that I have moderate adrenal dysfunction and and mild dysfunction in many areas like GI and hormones. My inflammation levels were actually quite low, so my symptoms are likely being driven by an inability to properly detox. Hopefully if we're able to clear up my detox pathways, I should start to see relief in my symptoms. This assessment was much more comprehensive than any other tests I have previously done. It looked at my blood work, but also took my symptoms into account, which made it feel like I was being listened to and not disregarded. The assessment also gave me insight into the root cause of my symptoms, and provided hope that I can heal if I focus on addressing that root cause. My experience reviewing my results with my provider was very positive. Wendy was a good listener and helped me understand my results in a digestible way. She provided context as to why I am experiencing symptoms and helped validate the way I'm feeling. I thought it was valuable to have someone walk me through the results and explain each part of the assessment, so I had a full understanding of my personal root cause.
Jan 9, 2024
Verified User
Arthritis, Pre-diabetes or diabetes, PCOS, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Weight gain, Anxiety, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that my cortisol levels were not high, but low. None of the items tested by the Root Cause Assessment had ever been tested before, and everything was explained in depth.
Jan 2, 2024
Verified User
IBS, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Nausea, Diarrhea, Acne
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that the root cause is probably in my gut which requires more testing
Dec 18, 2023
Verified User
Bloating or gas, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Painful or irregular periods, Diarrhea, Constipation, Nasal stuffiness, Night waking, Weight gain, Migraines, Anxiety, Depression
Root Cause Assessment
I learned some things I’m lacking in such as Vitamin D and cholesterol. I didn’t know you could be too low in cholesterol. This was different from other experiences because of the one on one conversation with a health coach. My provider was very helpful in explaining the results and answering questions.
Dec 29, 2023
Verified User
Histamine intolerance, Hair loss, Acne, Nasal stuffiness, Mood swings, Weight loss, Headaches, Brain Fog, Fatigue, allergic type reactions to food
Root Cause Assessment
The assessment showed me different tests than what my regular doctor would do. I feel the assessment from gritwell was a bit more informative on telling me what is going on in my body. It’s a step in the right direction hopefully, because I could not get much help from western medicine so far. I’m looking forward to my appointments from gritwell and hopefully I can get back to a more normal state.
Dec 17, 2023
Verified User
Hashimoto's, Bloating or gas, Fatigue, Constipation, Weight gain
Root Cause Assessment
It was a great experience. I like that the assessment helped me connect some dots about some symptoms I have.
Dec 14, 2023
Verified User
Pre-diabetes or diabetes, Celiac, SIBO, Bloating or gas, Fatigue, Mood swings, Weight gain, Anxiety, Abdominal pain
Root Cause Assessment
That there is moderate inflammation in my body and more importantly my cells. I have been taking supplements for months and was informed that they won’t do any good if my cells have chaos and inflammation.
Dec 11, 2023
Verified User
Endometriosis, Hypothyroidism, Acne, Anxiety, Headaches, Dizziness
Root Cause Assessment
The root cause assessment was extremely beneficial. I was able to pinpoint what is causing my dizziness and anxiety and now feel empowered to work on these things with diet and lifestyle.
Dec 9, 2023
Verified User
Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Arthritis, Ulcerative Colitis, Pre-diabetes or diabetes, PCOS, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Weight gain, Migraines, Anxiety, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain
Root Cause Assessment
I think the most valuable statement made to me was this: We can reverse the numbers of your autoimmune diseases. They do not have to define you. For the first time, I felt hope in dealing with my autoimmune disorders.
Dec 9, 2023
Verified User
IBS, SIBO, Bloating or gas, Diarrhea, Night waking, Mood swings, Insomnia, Abdominal pain, Joint Pain
Root Cause Assessment
I learned that I had certain vitamin deficiencies that I needed to supplement. I also found out about a candida overgrowth in my gut so I cut out gluten to heal that - I never suspected I had a gluten sensitivity! Lots more too! It was good to see the results and get action items specifically tied to the results - most providers seem to just be guessing.
Nov 28, 2023
Verified User
Brain Fog, Acne, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, Raynaud's
Root Cause Assessment
Gritwell went above and beyond timewise to share so much information with me.
Nov 30, 2023
Verified User
Anxiety, digestive issues, brain fog, fatigue, acid reflux
Root Cause Assessment
I’ve been experiencing chronic symptoms for over 12 years. Even after a gluten allergy diagnosis, most of my symptoms continued to persist. I visited my PCP, a psychiatrist, and a series of specialists, but have been stuck in the cycle of symptom management for a decade. After taking Gritwell’s Root Cause Assessment, I learned that I had a number of biomarker irregularities, including Insulin, Glucose, Ferritin, and Vitamin D, none of which were tested through my regular doctors. Now that I have an understanding of what’s causing my symptoms, I’ve worked with my Gritwell providers and my other doctors to develop a plan to address these imbalances. I’m excited to finally have some answers that can help me feel in control of my health again.
Apr 4, 2023
Verified User
Hair loss, acne
Root Cause Assessment
The root cause assessment is SO thorough - results are broken down and easy to understand. Not only did I learn about my own potential root causes, biomarkers, and inflammation status, but I also gained an education in physiology and parts of the body that I didn’t know existed! If you want to learn about the processes that influence your health and wellbeing, what your body is doing well, and where you stand in terms of improvement, this program is a wonderful place to start.
Apr 28, 2023
Verified User
Digestive issues, Depression
Root Cause Assessment
I learned how many questions I have never been asked before by doctors. I felt so validated and excited about the opportunity to feel better. I really felt like Gritwell dove deeper than any previous medical appointments I have had throughout my life!
Oct 24, 2023
Verified User
For the last 5 years I've been suffering from significant joint and muscle pain, headaches, fatigue all from food sensitivies. I went gluten free 5 years ago but now have developed additional food sensitivities and realized I needed to heal my gut before I could do anything else.
Root Cause Assessment
Seeing a timeline of incidents and potential causes made things much clearer about how your environment can impact your health. I grew up near a superfund toxic waste site and then worked in a facility that had poor air quality, both likely impacting my sensitivities to mold and development of toxics. From this, I've started taking the supplements designed to help detox my body. I've gone through many allergy tests, but no one has taken the time to discuss in depth factors that have impacted my life AND the potential impact on my health. I'm already feeling better and can't wait to see how this processes as part of the program.
Oct 24, 2023
Verified User
digestive issues as well as food sensitivities, SIBO
Root Cause Assessment
I find that Gritwell is different because of the individual support that is given. The practitioner I’m working with is very knowledgeable and has made some great tweaks to my diet. I also have some supplements that may be helping. I did the root cause test and still don’t know my root cause but have had some improvement in symptoms. I think that with time I will improve more. I would recommend.
Oct 24, 2023
Verified User
Tired, body aches, hot flashes, losing hair, high cholesterol, feet, knee, ankle, elbow pain. Sciatica. GI issues. Dry eyes.
Root Cause Assessment
Was glad that everything was explained in a way I understood and what can cause an issue to develop. Going to various doctors and getting blood work done with no real solution of why you are feeling the way you do. I've been discouraged from going back to them. Most doctors just try to give you a quick fix, but Gritwell they help to find the root cause of the issues. They truly care and want to help. The root cause assessment helped to find what my body was lacking to get better naturally and gave me a bigger picture from what I was missing by other providers who never really took the time to look into it.
Oct 20, 2023
Verified User
digestion, brain fog, waking up between 1-3am.
Root Cause Assessment
I loved how the assessment took into consideration all areas of my health and a timeline of symptoms from birth. I was nice to see how all of it can contribute to present day symptoms. It was helpful to see how the biomarkers are tied to inflammation and the symptoms I'm experiencing. For example cholesterol can be too low and that isn't a good thing. Gritwell differs by not only giving you information and explanation of your test results but as goes over them with a practitioner. I've never had an assessment with that kind of practitioner support from the start.
Oct 24, 2023
Verified User
Root Cause Assessment
I have been to countless dermatologists to tackle my acne but nothing from topicals to the birth control pill to antibiotics has worked so far. From my Root Cause Assessment I learned that the liver and gut can play a significant role in the health of my skin. This makes me feel hopeful that I can tackle my acne from the inside while I also focus on my overall gut and liver health. Other providers spend a few minutes with you and are quick to write a prescription but my Gritwell health coach really wanted to get to know me, my history and my symptoms. I feel completely supported and am confident we will discover some triggers to my acne.
Oct 24, 2023
Verified User
digestive, rash
Care Program
Healed my digestive and skin issues!
Dec 2022
Verified User
Severe stomach issues when eating various foods & constipation
Root Cause Assessment
I think the assessment really helped me to see some of the areas that my body could be sensitive to on a scale. This is actually the first time anyone has done anything like this before. When I have gone to my primary care doctor, they would just try and adjust medications that I am on and omit different things and tell me to add fiber. I tried all of that and nothing changed. Now looking at the assessment, I have begun to omit and add different things and taking supplements. Within the first week I have already noticed a huge difference. No more stomach pain!
Oct 19, 2023
Verified User
Abdominal pain and spasms, headaches, digestive issues, IBS-D
Care Program
I suffered several years with my health. It was to the point that several MDs could not pin point the root cause. I was ready to give up when I came across Gritwell. I decided to give them a try, I had nothing to loose. After 1 month I noticed settle changes, then I noticed better sleep, less pain, no headaches. Having my appointments every 2 weeks keeps me accountable and helps me celebrate my wins and work on my obstacles. Christy is amazing and honestly she has guided me and helped me so much. This program isn't a get better quick thing, you have to be willing to listen, put in the work and most of all give it an honest chance. We deserve to be a healthier, pain free version of ourselfs and that can happen with Gritwell. If you have had enough of being unhealthy, I truly recommend them. Best of luck to you all.
Apr 2023
Verified User
fertility, chronic allergies, sinus infections, GERD, acid reflux
Care Program
I finally have relief, knowledge & tools to treat the source of my medical issues! Where main stream medicine would just write prescriptions to treat symptoms, my functional medicine team helped to get to the source & taught me how to manage/cure most of my ailments!
Feb 2023
Verified User
Chronic pain, joint pain, muscle spams, gas
Care Program
I have been a client of Gritwell since May 2022. My experience with the team has been positive. They are very responsive. Questions and concerns are promptly addressed. They also recommended tests that shed light on a couple areas concern.
Feb 2023
Verified User
Digestive issues
Care Program
I've had an incredible experience with Gritwell and highly recommend it! Before starting Gritwell, I'd dealt with digestive issues for 6+ years, lost all faith in the traditional healthcare system, and started believing I'd never be able to do regular activities again (like take trips or run distances). Through Kelly's care, patience, and excellent service, my severe bloating has improved significantly. My brain fog cleared and energy levels are up. Kelly invested time getting to know me and my situation unlike anyone has before, empowered me to know how to manage by symptoms by explaining concepts in a way that I could understand, and was persistent in testing different strategies and getting to the root cause.
May 2023
Verified User
Mucus, chronic cough, insomnia
Care Program
I believe in miracles. After 8 years of major 24 hour heavy mucus in my mouth which doctors in the UK and USA both called acid reflux, for which their recommended pills did nothing. With the help of telemedicine and specifically GritWell, who after consulting, monitoring my diet, and heading me towards a gluten-free diet, my mucus practically disappeared in 4 days. And with further fine tuning diet and biweekly Zoom calls it has totally disappeared and I have a new life and can taste food. I cannot speak highly enough of the personnel who have changed my life and I feel alive again. Thank you for this, ever grateful.
Feb 2023
Verified User
Acid reflux, digestive issues, fatigue, brain fog
Care Program
I’m noticing a difference in how I’m feeling. I feel more radiant and light. Enjoying having more energy and feeling better. I’ve started juicing, adding in some variety, and more diversity in my veggie mashup, really focusing on eating good foods.
Oct 2020
Verified User
Constipation, insomnia, night waking, headaches
Care Program
My constipation has mostly gone away and my bowel movements are regular now. I’m now sleeping through the night and getting to bed earlier, and getting a full night’s rest. Headaches hardly ever come anymore.
Aug 2020
Verified User
Mold toxicity,
Care Program
Working with Meg, she was able to sort through my symptoms and help get the appropriate testing. Turns out the root cause of all of my symptoms was mold illness from living in a moldy home years ago. Meg and the Gritwell team helped order the right supplements and give me guidance on the best treatment modalities to detox the mold from my system. Within a few short months, with proper diet, targeted supplements and IR Sauna, my digestive symptoms have improved significantly. I am so thankful to have found Gritwell and now feel confident that I have the tools to continue my healing/detox journey.
Nov 2021
Verified User
Fatigue, migraines, endometriosis
Care Program
Only in my 1st month with Gritwell, but I have never, ever been so thoroughly listened to by anyone before. They treat you like a very best friend, but with medical experience. They lay out an extremely personalized step by step plan for how they plan on working with you to get you answers. The customer service is top notch. They truly care about you above anything and everything else. I found Gritwell while I was scrolling on Instagram and I'm so thankful. They're the real deal.
Jan 2021
Verified User
weight gain
Care Program
I am obsessed with my practitioner Meg, please sign me up for a lifetime membership, I LOVE GritWell.
Aug 2020
Verified User
Constipation, headaches
Care Program
I've just completed my 30-day elimination plan and am feeling really great. At the beginning of my treatment, my symptoms ranked at 8 or 9 in terms of intensity-- now they are a 5. My bowel movements are much more regular, I’m going daily at the same time. My headaches are diminished.
Oct 2020
Verified User
SIBO, abdominal pain, headaches, insomnia
Care Program
My health has improved a lot-- when I started GritWell, I was at a 3/10 and now it’s at least a 6/10. My GI symptoms (SIBO) and sleep quality have improved and I’m a lot more mindful and aware than I was before. I really love the health coach I’m working with, today’s session was more like a therapy session than a food session. Wellness is like 80% mental well-being, and I feel like we get lost in food and supplements. Also, they’re really affordable and really great to work with.
Oct 2020
Verified User
digestive issues, chronic pain, anxiety, headaches, hair loss
Care Program
My practitioner Wendy was super attentive and she seems to care and was eager to help which is such a huge change from what I've experienced with my doctors so it makes me feel like there is actually hope for me.
Nov 2020
Verified User
bloating, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues
Care Program
I’m a completely different person to when I first started this program, sleeping almost 8 hours a night, my digestion has improved, I have way more energy, and I’ve lost 12lbs!!!!!! Between you and my coach this has so far been an incredible experience. I’m thankful for you both. I can’t wait to tell everyone I know about y’all. The passion that you both have makes a company last. I’ve been on NP Thyroid for a few weeks and am experiencing more energy, weight loss and better moods. My digestive issues have improved tremendously and I have a daily bowel movement, less acid reflux and less bloated. By follow-up # 1, my clothes were fitting a little looser. By follow-up # 2, I’d lost 5 lbs. By follow-up # 3, I lost 12 lbs, 3” off my waist and 5 ½” off my hips. Tension headaches have improved. I no longer experience muscle twitches.
Oct 2020
Verified User
chronic UTIs, insomnia, migraines
Care Program
I’ve been super impressed with my GritWell experience so far. I was paired with a phenomenal functional medicine health coach and I feel like I’m getting all of the benefits of a functional medicine doctor but at a much more affordable cost. FINALLY, I’m getting answers to my health problems that I never was able to figure out before, even after seeing my general practitioner and several specialists. I can’t tell you how amazing it is to actually feel heard instead of just being dismissed by another doctor who says it must be all in my head. I feel like I’m finally taking control of my health and I’ve never felt better!
Nov 2020
Verified User
mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, recurring infections, bloating, mold toxicity
Care Program
After over a year of working with expensive primary care physicians and specialists for unexplainable symptoms, I decided to try something new and found GritWell- a functional medicine approach to feeling better. While conventional medicine failed to improve my symptoms (including recurring yeast infections, GI issues, headaches, brain fog, severe mood swings, anxiety, fatigue), my GritWell Health Coach, Meg, helped me solve these symptoms within just three months through lifestyle changes, diagnostic lab testing, supplementation and nutrition. Thanks to GritWell and their team of health experts. Do yourself a favor, and let GritWell help you take back control of your health.
Mar 2021
Verified User
recurring infections, insomnia, constipation, fatigue, PMS, endometriosis
Care Program
I worked with the Gritwell team after seeing many doctors who were not able to offer any advice on my chronic infections. The gritwell team was able to assist me to change my diet and lifestyle as well as suggest a supplement regimen. It was great having access to a coach and many other resources. I would say this was definitely worth the money and it gives me peace of mind knowing I always have a place to go when I have other issues that I can’t find answers that through conventional medicine ( and there are many.) Thanks Gritwell!
Dec 2020
Verified User
Hashimoto's, numbness, tingling, digestive issues
Care Program
I loved my experience with GritWell. I struggle with an autoimmune disease and all the complications that come with that. Sara was knowledgeable about my condition and helped direct me to the tests that I would most likely benefit from. She was able to help me correct issues the tests found. I left my time there feeling heard and more healthy and know if I need to I can always go back.
Nov 2021
Verified User
allergies, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety
Care Program
I wish I found this company before I tried a bunch of other expensive options. This is affordable and really works. Thank you so much for helping me get my life back.
Jan 2023
Verified User
Fatigue, migraines, digestive issues, SIBO
Care Program
I had an excellent experience with this wellness company and my health coach, Melissa. I've struggled with digestion issues since childhood, and she was extremely helpful in connecting the dots to better understand what was happening in my body and possible solutions. I am so grateful for the sessions we had, and even though I'm not "fixed," I know how to move forward and heal over time.
Oct 2021
Verified User
Bloating, heartburn
Care Program
Very helpful service. They make you feel cared for and let you decide what direction you want to go in on your way to recovery. I've never felt pressured to buy anything from them. All the supplements I've been encouraged to get are from third parties not affiliated with Gritwell.
Jan 2023
Verified User
migraines, PCOS, anxiety
Care Program
I experienced really bad migraines, struggled with PCOS, and struggled with anxiety. Medication wasn’t helping and I was tired of continuously switching to try new ones. I just didn’t feel like myself anymore. GritWell is different because they don’t just cover up the issues with a bandaid. They get to the cause of the issues and go from there. Like any medical care there’s some trial and error. But this is better than trying medications that don’t help. I feel better already and it’s been about two months. We still have work to do but I’m seeing progress. And checking in every two weeks helps tremendously to stay on track and discuss any problems. I would recommend GritWell to anyone who’s interested in functional medicine.
Dec 2022
Verified User
Acid reflux, digestivie issues, Hashimoto's, hair loss
Care Program
GritWell has been amazing and life changing! I love my health coach, and everyone at GritWell is incredibly helpful. Before GritWell I spent hours researching online about supplements, tests, what I should be doing/taking/eating/not eating. It was so exhausting. GritWell has taken over all of that!! My health coach helps me through everything and in one email my GritWell representative will order any supplements or tests I need right away. I am so grateful!
Jan 2023
Verified User
Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Eczema, Insomnia, Chronic pain, Hot flashes, Acid reflux, Digestive issues
Care Program
Rebecca has experienced significant improvements in her health, feeling almost 90 to 100 percent better. She is no longer on steroids, methotrexate, and Cymbalta. Her sleep has improved, the aches and brain fog are gone, and she feels overall much better. Although weight loss has been slower than expected, her ability to exercise has improved and she is able to follow an autoimmune diet, avoiding processed foods. She didn't realize the extent of how bad she felt until she started feeling better. Her blood work looks much better, too!
November 1,2024
Verified User
IBS, PCOS, Migraines, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Irregular periods, Hair loss, Digestive Issues
Care Program
Marlies has experienced significant benefits from the program, even while being pregnant and starting her third trimester. She has completely eliminated her acne and headaches, and feels more heard and valued. Although her doctors initially indicated it might take longer for her to conceive, she became pregnant just a month after joining the program. Unlike others in their third trimester who often feel fatigued, Marlies is motivated and capable of accomplishing many tasks. She believes the program is worth it and would recommend it to others, estimating a 90% improvement in her health, particularly in gut health and overall daily wellness.
October 31,2024
Verified User
Lupus, Arthritis, Eczema, Sjögren’s syndrome, Tinnitus, GERD, Insomnia, Headaches, Muscle/Joint Pain, Migraines, Digestive Issues, Recurrent UTIs/BV
Care Program
Nikki is proud of her progress. She used to take over 25 medications, including topicals, but now is down to only 2 and feels better with less pain and more energy. Her oxygen levels have improved and increased activity - she no longer has to use her CPAP machine. She praised Gritwell's personalized and holistic program: turns out she's referred others, including her doctor. She wants to live fully, see her grandchildren grow up, and travel in retirement.
September 30,2024
Verified User
Endometriosis, C. difficile, digesitive issues, gut imbalances, hormone imbalance
Care Program
Liliana's health journey began in 2019 with severe digestive issues and a diagnosis of endometriosis and C. diff. Despite seeing numerous doctors and trying various treatments, she found no relief until she discovered Gritwell. Through their thorough testing and dedicated coaching, particularly from her coach Barbara, Liliana has started to uncover the root causes of her symptoms and greatly appreciates the holistic approach of the Gritwell team.
September 8,2024
Verified User
PCOS, fatigue, inflammation, anxiety, infertility, joint and muscle pain, stress, brain fog, weight loss resistance
Care Program
Emily struggled with PCOS symptoms, fatigue, inflammation, and chronic pain despite trying various natural methods to address her symptoms. Her Gritwell coach identified that gut and other imbalances were at the root of her symptoms and she started working through a comprehensive detox protocol. She appreciated how her Gritwell coach thoughtfully listened and supported her through every phase of care
June 17, 2024
Verified User
Migraines, acne, gut imbalances
Care Program
Kelly struggled with migraines her entire life while also dealing with acne and gut imbalances. She worked through multiple phases of care with her Gritwell health coach and has since cleared up her skin and rarely gets migraines. She appreciated how her health coach moved at a slower pace to make sure she felt supported and confident in reversing her symptoms.
Mar 15, 2024
Verified User
Joint pain, food sensitivities, chemical exposure, infertility, trouble sleeping, gut imbalances
Care Program
Melissa grew up being exposed to a lot of environmental toxins and struggled with infertility in her adult life. When she came to Gritwell she especially struggled with joint pain and food sensitivities. Her Gritwell health coach identified ways to address underlying gut imbalances and she has since been able to resolve her joint pain.
Feb 21, 2024
Verified User
Digestive issues, chest pain, acid reflux, heartburn, nutrient deficiencies
Care Program
Amber struggled with digestive issues, chest pain, and acid reflux. Her Gritwell coach identified that nutrient decifiences and gut imbalances were at the root of her symptoms. She worked through multiple phases of care and has since been able to resolve all of her digestive issues. She appreciated how her health coach supported her throughout the program and provided resources that she can continue to implement in her everyday life.
Feb 21, 2024
Verified User
Bloating, skin rashes, hair loss, dry skin, inconsistent periods, fatigue, food sensitivities
Care Program
Heidi has struggled with bloating, hair loss and rashes with no diagnosis. Her Gritwell coach identified which foods were triggering symptoms and helped her with elimination. Heidi has since been able to stabilize her cortisol, which has helped her clear her skin, reduce bloating, and regrow her hair.
Nov 14, 2023
Verified User
Hormonal imbalances, mold toxicity, celiac, thyroid imbalances, vomiting, parasites, SIBO, digestive issues, fatigue
Care Program
Meghan struggled with fatigue, thyroid imbalances, and brain fog in the wake of being exposed to mold and parasites. Gritwell testing illuminated nutrient deficiencies and specific infections, and after detoxing with the guidance of her health coach, Meghan has drastically reduced her brain fog and fatigue.
Oct 30, 2023
Verified User
Digestive issues, fatigue, headaches, diabetes
Care Program
Kim struggled with worsening digestive issues, fatigue and headaches. Medications were ineffective and she had no relief - until her Gritwell health coach identified deficiencies at the root her symptoms. After incorporating digestive enzymes, diet changes, and other supplements into her regimen, Kim was able to resolve her digestive symptoms.
Oct 24, 2023
Verified User
Migraines, digestive issues, bloating, vomiting, SIBO
Care Program
Kelly struggles with chronic migraines, experiencing them up to 20 times per month. Medications haven't given her relief. After starting at Gritwell, testing revealed that specific food intolerances and an bacterial overgrowth was worsening inflammation in her body. After addressing this, Kelly has experienced substantial migraine relief and improved her energy.
Jun 13, 2023
Verified User
Panic attacks, chest pain and pressure, muscle weakness, insomnia, vitamin deficiencies, mold toxicity,
Care Program
Jennifer battled frightening chest pain and pressure for over a year, but doctors found nothing wrong. Specialized Gritwell testing revelaed that Jennifer’ was exposed to mold/mycotoxins at home, and after undergoing a detox protocol, Jennifer has experienced significant symptom improvement.
Feb 22, 2023
Verified User
Migraines, pregnancy, ADHD, anemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes
Care Program
Nicole battled worsening migraines for over 20 years. She was unresponsive to medications. Gritwell testing illuminated nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances and toxicity burden as potential root causes. After working with her coach, Nicole has experienced profound migraine relief.
Nov 17, 2022
Verified User
Diet, allergy reactions, anxiety, hyperthyroidism
Care Program
Anna Belle begged doctors for years to investigate her symptoms, but it wasn't until she worked with Gritwell that she confirmed her food intolerances and thyroid dysfunction. Anna Belle has since stabilized her blood sugar and reduced inflammation.
Jan 24, 2023
Verified User
Uterine tumor, body pain, fibromyalgia, digestive issues, fatigue, mold toxicity
Care Program
Audra spent decades seeking explanations for her health decline, but found no answers. Gritwell testing finally identified mold toxicity as the culprit. After detoxing, Audra has finally seen improvements in her symptoms.
Aug 16, 2022
Verified User
Migraines, fatigue, bloating, food sensitivities, heartburn, trouble sleeping
Care Program
Carrie has struggled with lifelong thyroid dysfunction, multiple cancers, migraine headaches and digestive issues. After working with her caring Gritwell coach, she Carrie began sleeping better, reduced bloating, and is feeling increasingly optimistic.
Oct 30, 2023
Verified User
Eczema, joint pain, acid reflux, acne
Care Program
Heidi struggled with a painful, bleeding eczema rash on her hand for 5+ years that steroid creams couldn’t resolve. After working with Gritwell, she discovered she needed to address her skin from the inside, and after following a personalized probiotic protocol, Heidi’s skin cleared in weeks.
Feb 22, 2023
Verified User
Swelling, night sweats, anxiety, insomnia, mold toxicity
Care Program
Mara battled escalating pain, depression and inflammation that doctors repeatedly dismissed as anxiety. Comprehensive Gritwell testing revealed environmental mold toxicity as the root of many of her symptoms. Mara’s has begun detoxing and is already seeing huge improvements in being able to sleep through the night.
Jan 6, 2022
Verified User
Digestive issues, H. pylori, hives, swelling, food sensitivities, mood swings,
Care Program
Danielle struggled with digestive issues for years, which were blamed on anxiety. Comprehensive stool testing through Gritwell properly identified not only H pylori but also other infections disrupting her gut microbiome. After clearing these infections with her coach’s guidance as well as eliminating problematic foods, Danielle regained her health and quality of life.
Sep 12, 2023
Verified User
Abdominal pain and spasms, headaches, digestive issues, IBS-D
Care Program
Diane spent years struggling with digestive issues. At Gritwell, her health coach helped her identify and eliminate potential trigger foods. After sticking to a customized anti-inflammatory diet and strategic supplementation, her symptoms subsided - she now has consistent bowel movements and continues to see improvement.
May 3, 2023
Verified User
Anxiety, panic attacks, digestive issues, hair loss, brain fog, abdominal pain
Care Program
Sarah developed frightening panic attacks alongside digestive dysfunction and hair loss that doctors dismissed. Gritwell testing revealed she had hormone imbalance and gluten intolerance, and addressing these root causes with personalized dietary, lifestyle and supplemental changes, Sarah improved her symptoms across the board, from mental health to digestion.
May 17, 2023
Verified User
Vomiting, Lyme Disease, diarrhea, constipation
Care Program
Tori suffered severe vomiting bouts for years along with fatigue until Gritwell testing revealed specific food intolerances as the culprit. After cutting out these foods and rebalancing her microbiome, much of Tori’s inflammation subsided - improving her energy drastically and eliminating her migraines.
Oct 19, 2021
Verified User
Weight gain, anxiety, fatigue, Lyme Disease, hypothyroid
Care Program
Tricia was feeling progressively unwell and fatigued - until she found her Gritwell coach. Comprehensive testing exposed underlying issues like cortisol imbalance, and after working with her coach, Tricia now has much more energy and feels like herself again.
Jul 13, 2022
Verified User
Joint pain, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, Crohn's Disease
Care Program
Tiffany struggled with debilitating digestive issues until she was hospitalized for a blockage and diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Despite being on Humira, she continued to struggle with symptoms, weight gain and fatigue. With the help of her Gritwell provider, she was able to resolve her symptoms and even wean off Humira.
Oct 5, 2021
Verified User
PCOS, hives, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn
Care Program
San Juana struggled with hormonal imbalances, chronic digestive troubles, and hives that conventional medicine failed to resolve. With the help of her Gritwell coach, San Juana was able to rebalance hormones, lose 80 pounds, improve digestion, and eliminate hives without needing to rely on medications.
Mar 30, 2022
Verified User
Diarrhea, IBS, colitis
Care Program
Sam dealt with gastrointestinal issues for over 10 years. Despite seeing top specialists, no one could determine the root cause or provide lasting relief beyond symptom management for her microscopic colitis. Sam's Gritwell provider demystified her condition and gave tailored, actionable guidance on dietary and supplement changes to impact her gut microbiome.
Nov 19, 2021
Verified User
Diarrhea, food sensitivities, acid reflux, hormone imbalances, fatigue, chronic pain
Care Program
Rachel S suffered with unexplained symptoms for years - until her Gritwell coach recognized she had histamine intolerance and hormone imbalances and helped her recover her energy.
Feb 8, 2022
Verified User
Chronic pain, endiometriosis, diarrhea, mold toxicity
Care Program
Rachel struggled with worsening gastrointestinal distress and irregular periods. Gritwell testing revealed she had a biotoxin illness interfering with her system. Her coach recommended diet changes and appropriate supplementation to help rebalance her gut microbiome as well as detox, allowing her digestion and hormonal symptoms to improve.
Dec 15, 2021
Verified User
POTS, chronic pain
Care Program
Morgan developed post-COVID symptoms - including POTS, neurological issues, and inability to digest food. Working with Gritwell, she discovered the root causes of her issues. After implementing a treatment plan including detox protocols and supplements, she's been able to wean off several medications and manage her syndrome.
Oct 20, 2021
Verified User
Fatigue, depression, brain fog, nasal stuffiness
Care Program
Meridith knew she felt unwell with stomach problems, low energy, and depression that anti-depressants weren't resolving. Working with her Gritwell provider, she has focused on getting to root causes and building habits and routines to improve her sleep, diet, and self-awareness. She finally feels she is moving in the right direction in reclaiming her health.
Aug 4, 2022
Verified User
Mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, recurring infections, bloating, mold toxicity
Care Program
Unable to resolve severe PMS symptoms after a year of traditional medicine, Kelsey turned to Gritwell, where she received accountability, compassion and expert guidance. She felt genuinely cared for and supported through the process of regaining her health and energy.
Mar 2021
Verified User
Gas, bloating, constipation, anxiety, acne, allergies
Care Program
Struggling with digestive problems that weren't improving through previous food sensitivity testing, Kade's Gritwell provider correctly identified her need for supplemental HCL and other targeted support. In the end, she ignificantly resolving gas and bloating by treating root causes, not just symptoms.
Jun 29, 2022
Verified User
Diarrhea, constipation, POTS, migraines
Care Program
Melissa had over 60 symptoms that began in 2019 and progressively got worse, leaving her unable to work. With Gritwell, she has already decreased her inflammation and regained some of her abilities. She appreciated that her Gritwell provider went through her own personal health journey and truly "got it." Mara is now feeling more hopeful about managing her health long-term.
Nov 12, 2022
Verified User
Fatigue, hair loss, runny nose
Care Program
Lorrie was struggling with extreme fatigue. After working (unsuccessfully) with a naturopath, she partnered with a Gritwell provider who thoroughly analyzed her lifestyle and supplements, who then identified cellular dehydration as the root cause of many of her symptoms and provided in-depth recommendations to address it. Lorrie has seen substantial gains in energy, productivity and wellbeing.
Apr 28, 2022
Verified User
Joint pain, fatigue, depression, acne
Care Program
After 5+ years of vague, unexplained symptoms no doctor fully addressed, Jordan began working with a Gritwell provider who kept her accountable. She has already reduced her acne and fatigue.
Dec 13, 2021
Verified User
Hashimoto's, migraines
Care Program
Jenny had been diagnosed with Hashimoto's and was struggled with migraines - until she began regularly meeting with her Gritwell provider, who investigated root causes and discovered that many of Jenny's symptoms were triggered by mold toxicity.
Nov 23, 2021
Verified User
Bloating, weight gain, anxiety, thyroid
Care Program
Hannah struggled to address increasing gastrointestinal and thyroid issues on her own until discovering Gritwell's more personalized approach to health. After meeting her provider & addressing her gut dysbiosis, she has seen substantial lab value improvements, weight loss, & improved energy.
Apr 13, 2022
Verified User
Nausea, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, heartburn, fatigue, headaches, brain fog, mood swings, joint pain, swelling
Care Program
Despite living a healthy lifestyle, Ivy's digestive issues and fatigue continued to worsen - until she met with her Gritwell provider. Since then, Ivy has gained a deeper understanding of her underlying gut imbalance, enabling her to better self-manage her symptoms long-term.
Jan 18, 2021
Verified User
Bloating, fatigue, headaches, depression, acne
Care Program
Erin struggled with worsening health issues since her youth that she now links back to longterm antibiotic use without proper gut support. After years of failed attempts to self-treat her headaches & fatigue, Erin began working with Gritwell and has seen substantial reductions in headaches and stabilized energy and mood.
Jul 19, 2022
Verified User
IBS, anxiety, bloating, stomach pain, SIBO, H Pylori
Care Program
Struggling with worsening digestive symptoms, Evelyn grew frustrated with doctors dismissively attributing her issues to IBS and anxiety without exploring root causes. She began working with a Gritwell practitioner who actively listened, ran in-depth testing revealing treatable infections, and gave her tools to manage her symptoms long-term.
May 11, 2022
Verified User
Migraines, anxiety, depression, perimenopause
Care Program
As Dawn approached 50, her migraines grew more persistent. Doctors just prescribed more medications for anxiety and depression. Dawn began working with Gritwell and has since experienced substantial improvements in her migraines, energy, anxiety and overall feels "way, way better" compared to when she started.
Nov 19, 2021
Verified User
H Pylori, bloating
Care Program
Despite living a very healthy lifestyle, Andrea was diagnosed with breast cancer at 45; the treatments that saved her life left her with debilitating symptoms. Seeking relief, she discovered Gritwell online and began working with Barbara who correctly identified H. pylori as a root cause and provided supplements that, within weeks, substantially reduced Andrea's bloating and validated she wasn't "crazy," giving her tremendous relief.
Oct 26, 2022
Verified User
Anxiety, panic attacks, hypothyroid
Care Program
Chelsea experienced a severe panic attack, launching her on a desperate search for solutions. She started Gritwell and began cutting out gluten and dairy and adding targeted supplements - these small changes quickly resolved Chelsea's digestive issues and improved her anxiety. She appreciated the customized support she received from Gritwell.
Jan 3, 2022
Verified User
Migraines, anxiety, depression, perimenopause, acid reflux, recurring infections
Care Program
After 2 years of tests that came back normal and doctors insisting her severe digestive issues were just anxiety, Chrissie was still suffering until starting with a Gritwell provider who correctly identified her underlying conditions, helped resolve her pain, and taught her how to regain strength and joy in life. Chrissie feels empowered by finally having the knowledge to care for herself instead of just being prescribed endless medications or supplements.
Jul 12, 2022
Verified User
Anxiety, depression, heartburn, hot flashes, acid reflux
Care Program
Cathleen reached a breaking point after years of ineffective medications. With Gritwell, she learned she had celiac disease and no longer needed the medications she'd relied on for 20 years. As a result, she no longer deals with constant heartburn thanks to dietary changes and the methods she has learned to self-manage flare ups.
Aug 4, 2022
Verified User
Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anxiety, kidney stones, UTIs, recurring infections
Care Program
After having her second child, Brooke's health rapidly declined with debilitating symptoms that over 10 doctors couldn't diagnose or treat. She turned to Gritwell as a last resort. Within just two months of personalized testing and treatment, including identifying and addressing underlying mold toxicity, Brooke has seen drastic improvements in her health and quality of life. She highlights her practitioner's teaching approach to sustainable wellness and says that despite initial cost concerns, pursuing Gritwell has been life-changing for her ability to care for her family.
Aug 10, 2022
Verified User
Migraines, PCOS, anxiety, headaches,
Care Program
Brittany struggled with daily migraines and worsening PCOS symptoms that doctors continuously dismissed until she started working with a Gritwell provider, who identified helpful diet changes and targeted supplements that have already started reducing her headaches. She appreciates the frequent check-ins to gauge her progress and tweak her protocol.
Nov 9, 2022
Verified User
Migraines, PCOS, headaches, bloating
Care Program
Amy suffered regular, debilitating migraines since high school that numerous doctors couldn’t relieve. After months of constant headaches left her desperate, Amy turned to Gritwell. In a short period of time, Amy has lost 15 pounds, has great digestive health, no more bloating, and has rarely had headaches. Her family says she seems like a totally different, happier person now.
Oct 1, 2021
Verified User
Fertility, chronic allergies, sinus infections, GERD, acid reflux
Care Program
After struggling with fertility, sinus and throat issues for years, Amy was diagnosed with a sliding hiatal hernia and GERD that doctors only wanted to medicate. Her Gritwell provider identified root causes of gut and hormone health and taught her how to self-manage her health long-term.
Aug 9, 2022
Verified User
POTS, stress
Care Program
After a traumatic childbirth, Amber battled escalating health crises including fatigue, UTIs, and misdiagnosed Crohn's, culminating in a months-long bout with undiagnosed POTS that cost her her job and ability to care for her family. Grtwell care significantly improved her POTS and digestive symptoms, finally resolving her years of unexplained suffering that so many doctors had dismissed or mishandled.
Oct 15, 2021
Verified User
Allergy reactions, sinus pressure, coughing, psoriasis, food sensitivities
Care Program
Amber's health steadily declined through college with allergy issues, psoriasis, & over 20 unexplained symptoms. All test results came back normal. She found Gritwell & began working with a coach who created an actionable protocol. Amber has seen dramatic improvements allowing her to reduce allergy meds from 3 per day to just 1 per week
Nov 5, 2021
Verified User
Panic attacks, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, food sensitivities, blurry vision,
Care Program
Struggling with many unexplained symptoms, Alyssa felt dismissed by doctors who only wanted to treat one issue at a time, leaving her feeling unheard until she had an extensive intake interview with Gritwell that finally validated her experience. Testing revealed mycotoxins as the root cause, and Gritwell's targeted supplement protocol brought dramatic improvements, reducing her vision issues, & joint pain from debilitating to manageable levels.
Nov 10, 2021
149 New Montgomery Street,
San Francisco, CA 94103
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